Journalists are waiting to hear from you! But do you know how to get a press release sent to the right people? Perhaps you've tried sending information about your business to local or national press, but despite all your efforts and hard work, you're just not seeing the results?
In a crowded marketing space, it can be hard to get your business noticed - and the attention it deserves. But PR can be the missing link. And because we're coming to the end of a long hard winter, I'm celebrating the brighter days with a fabulous opportunity to get your business into the inbox of a journalist who really needs to know about it, in one if the busiest months of 2023: March.
March is a big month in the editorial calendar, starting with a Full Moon on Tuesday 7 March, with Mother's Day on the 19th and Easter Holidays beginning for many on 29 March there is lots going on. Which means features and news editors and writers are stressed with last-minute deadlines and looking for ready-to-go stories that they know their readers will love.
And all of this means there are many opportunities to start to build relationships with the journalists who will champion your business and get your business story out there in a way that helps them - and of course, you.
Key dates
So if your business is connected in any way to these three key calendar opportunities in March, don't leave it until you spot other names in the press. No-one wants to read the gift round-ups that pop up in the weeks leading up to Easter and Mothers' Day and wish your company, shop or products were featured there.
And there is no fun in reading about other inspirational women on Mothers' Day sharing their stories and wishing you'd made the time to find the opportunity to share yours.
Press releases are a really kep part of a PR plan, which will amplify any marketing that a business is already doing by helping a brand or business owner be more visible.
I'm really passionate about the benefits of PR and regularly sending press releases because I spent more than 25 years working for newspapers and magazines - and I truly understand the joy when a ready made article arrives on a busy day!
This kind of hands-on experience means I know how to write press releases so they get opened, and I understand the words to use that get a press release published as a news story, or a product featured in a list. And I have conversations every day with jounralists wanting to showcase more indie, UK-made, and family owned business, and to share more inspirational stories from real-life people.
But if they don't know who the stories are about, they can't share them. Big press budgets are simply not achievable for small businesses, but I have access to contacts and lists that mean I can do this in an affordable - and I hope helpful - way for the smaller, independent businesses that I love to work with.
So for the whole month of March (and now, if you're ready to go!), I'll distribute your Press Release and make in-person contact to up to 10 on-point and verified journalists for just £160, which is a saving of more than £100. Why now? Why this month? Because Easter and mothers day are round the corner but I'm on a mission to give smaller, unique, independent businesses the opportunity to have their name in lights alongside some bigger brands.
Are you on the list? Drop me a message here with your idea for a press release and I'll get you set up.